Cucumber mosaic virus
cucumber mosaic
banana infectious chlorosis virus, banana mosaic virus, coleus mosaic virus, common mosaic virus, cowpea banding mosaic virus, cowpea ringspot virus, cucumber mosaic cucumovirus, cucumber yellow mosaic virus, cucumis virus 1, lily ringspot virus, pea top necrosis virus, peanut yellow mosaic virus, southern celery mosaic virus, soybean stunt virus, spinach blight virus, tomato fern leaf virus
Wide host range. Primarily Cucurbitaceae, Solanaceae, and Araceae families. Capsicum annuum, Cucumis sativus, Dioscorea, and Solanum lycopersicum are also primary hosts.
CMV has a very wide host range and can be extremely damaging to crops. Seed can be a pathway in certain hosts. Transmission occurs mechanically or by more than 80 aphid species.
2 Known Hosts
Solanum lycopersicum
CABICPC, ISFRPLD, DPVWEB, CMV000-1, CMV000-2, CMV000-3, CMV000-4, CMV000-5, CMV000-6, CMV000-10
Seed as a pathway is uncertain because research on CMV in tomato seed is limited and conflicting. A report by Park and Cha noted the detection of CMV in naturally infected commercial seeds. Longe detected CMV in tomato seeds, but natural infection is ambiguous because the the seeds were not tested before planting, nor does it mention control of aphids. Jalendar et al. reports CMV is not transmitted in tomato seeds.
Both serological and molecular techniques have been adopted and applied successfully to diagnosis of CMV.
CMV000-7, CMV000-9
Biological, Cultural, Mechanical
Risk mitigation strategies include using resistant varieties, planting healthy seeds, controlling aphids, removing weed hosts, and conducting regular inspections.
CABICPC, CMV000-3, CMV000-8
Longe, E.O., Adediji, A.O., Arogundade, O. and Atiri, G.I., 2022. Occurrence of cucumber mosaic virus within tomato seed lots. Ife Journal of Science, 24(2), pp.227-235.
Jalender, P., Bhat, B.N., Anitha, K. and Prasanthi, Y., 2015. Studies on transmission of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) through seed in tomato. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 33(2), pp.217-219.
Scholthof, K.B.G., Adkins, S., Czosnek, H., Palukaitis, P., Jacquot, E., Hohn, T., Hohn, B., Saunders, K., Candresse, T., Ahlquist, P. and Hemenway, C., 2011. Top 10 plant viruses in molecular plant pathology. Molecular plant pathology, 12(9), pp.938-954.
Park, K.H. and Cha, B., 2002. Detection of TMV, ToMV and CMV from tomato seeds and plants. Research Plant Disease, The Korean Society of Plant Pathology, 8(2), pp.101-106.
Kayode, A.B., Odu, B.O., Ako-Nai, K.A. and Alabi, O.J., 2014. Occurrence of cucumber mosaic virus subgroups IA and IB isolates in tomatoes in Nigeria. Plant Disease, 98(12), pp.1750-1750.
Gildow, F.E., Shah, D.A., Sackett, W.M., Butzler, T., Nault, B. and Fleischer, S.J., 2008. Transmission efficiency of Cucumber mosaic virus by aphids associated with virus epidemics in snap bean. Phytopathology, 98(11), pp.1233-1241.
Zehnder, G. W., Yao, C., Murphy, J. F., Sikora, E. R., & Kloepper, J. W. (2000). Induction of resistance in tomato against cucumber mosaic cucumovirus by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria. Biocontrol, 45, 127-137.
Chen, S., Gu, H., Wang, X., Chen, J. and Zhu, W., 2011. Multiplex RT-PCR detection of Cucumber mosaic virus subgroups and Tobamoviruses infecting Tomato using 18S rRNA as an internal control. Acta Biochimica Biophysica Sinica, 43(6), pp.465-471
Gallitelli, D. (2000). The ecology of Cucumber mosaic virus and sustainable agriculture. Virus research, 71(1-2), 9-21.
Hobbs, H. A., Eastburn, D. M., D'Arcy, C. J., Kindhart, J. D., Masiunas, J. B., Voegtlin, D. J., ... & McCoppin, N. K. (2000). Solanaceous weeds as possible sources of Cucumber mosaic virus in southern Illinois for aphid transmission to pepper. Plant disease, 84(11), 1221-1224.
Solanum melongena
Seed as a pathway is uncertain. Research on CMV in eggplant seed is limited. A report by Bagewadi suggests CMV was introduced to seedlings by seeds because aphids were not visible at the time. No further research was found to confirm this or if the seeds were tested prior to planting. Research does show transmission of CMV occurs through aphids and mechanical means.
Seed tests for other hosts have been described. No references found describing a seed health test for this host.
Cultural, Mechanical
Risk mitigation strategies include controlling aphids, removing weed hosts, and conducting regular inspections.
Bagewadi, B., Hossain, M. S., Fayad, A., & Naidu, R. A. (2015). First report of Cucumber mosaic virus from eggplant (Solanum melongena) in Bangladesh. Plant Disease, 99(2), 293-293.
Tanne, E. D. N. A., & Zimmerman-Gries, S. (1980). Cucumber mosaic virus on eggplant in Israel. Plant Disease, 64(4), 371-372.
Hosseinzadeh, H., Nasrollanejad, S., & Khateri, H. (2012). First report of cucumber mosaic virus subgroups i and ii on soybean, pea, and eggplant in iran. Acta virologica, 56(2), 145.
Mohammadi, K., Hajizadeh, M., & Koolivand, D. (2016). Detection and identification of four vegetable fruit viruses in west and northwest of Iran. Iranian Journal of Plant Pathology, 52(2).
Hord, M. J., Garcia, A., Villalobos, H., Rivera, C., Macaya, G., & Roossinck, M. J. (2001). Field survey of Cucumber mosaic virus subgroups I and II in crop plants in Costa Rica. Plant Disease, 85(9), 952-954.
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