Agrostis spp.
bent grasses
1 Related Pests
Anguina agrostis
Anguina funesta, Anguina lolii, Anguina phalaridis, Anguina poophila, Anguillula agrostidis, Anguillula agrostis, Anguillula phalaridis, Anguillula agrostis, Anguillula phalaridis, Tylenchus agrostidis, Tylenchus agrostis, Tylenchus phalaridis, Tylenchus phlei, Vibrio agrostis, Vibrio phalaridis
Northern Europe, Russia, Czech Republic, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, China, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan
Widespread in WA, reported in OR, VA, MN
China, Mexico, Korea
This nematode has been reported in China. CABI CPC. Korea lists this pathogen as A. funesta.
Poaceae family species, primarily in bent grass, Agrostis spp.and fescues, Fescuta spp.
Production of seed galls is well established in bent grass species and varieties.
Visual inspection
Galls are discolored. Original work done with Lolium sp. only. This method has not been validated.
Hot water @ 52F for 15m, after 2 hr water soak
Courtney WD, Howell HB, 1952. Investigations on the bentgrass nematode, Anguina agrostis (Steinbuch, 1799) Filipjev, 1936. Plant Disease Reporter 36:75-83.
Bird, Stynes, Thomson. 1980. A Comparison of Nematode and Bacteria-Colonized Galls Induced by Anguina agrostis in Lolium rigidum. Phytopathology 70: 1104-1109.
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