Festuca spp.
fescue grasses
2 Related Pests
Anguina agrostis
Anguina funesta, Anguina lolii, Anguina phalaridis, Anguina poophila, Anguillula agrostidis, Anguillula agrostis, Anguillula phalaridis, Anguillula agrostis, Anguillula phalaridis, Tylenchus agrostidis, Tylenchus agrostis, Tylenchus phalaridis, Tylenchus phlei, Vibrio agrostis, Vibrio phalaridis
Northern Europe, Russia, Czech Republic, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, China, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan
Widespread in WA, reported in OR, VA, MN
China, Mexico, Korea
This nematode has been reported in China. CABI CPC. Korea lists this pathogen as A. funesta.
Poaceae family species, primarily in bent grass, Agrostis spp.and fescues, Fescuta spp.
The literature is unclear as to whether this species is a host to this Anguina or a different species
Visual inspection
Method described by Bird, et.al., 1980 could be applied to this species.
Hot water @ 52F for 15m, after 2 hr water soak
Goodey, 1933. Plant Parasitic Nematodes and the Diseases They Cause. Dutton & Co. Publishers. New York
Bird, Stynes, Thomson. 1980. A Comparison of Nematode and Bacteria-Colonized Galls Induced by Anguina agrostis in Lolium rigidum. Phytopathology 70: 1104-1109.
Christie, JR. 1959. Plant Nematodes, Their Bionomics and Control. pp 181-185. Agricultural Experiment Stations, University of Florida.
Ustilago bullata
Ustilago bromivora, Ustilago asprellae
This fungus attacks seed spikelets and is known to replace seed with fungal survival structures on all its hosts. It is not clear from the literature the exact distribution of this fungus, as well as its host range. Often used as a biocontrol agent on undesirable grasses.
brome grass, wild rye grass, wheat grass, barley grass, fescue grass
This fungus attacks seed spikelets and is known to replace seed with fungal survival structures.
Visual examination during physical purity testing
Visual examination
Common physical purity tests during routine seed quality testing should identify any infection by this fungus.
Normal seed cleaning and conditioning should eliminate any contamination of seed by this fungus.
Farr, D.F. and Rossman, A.Y. Fungal Databases, Systematic Mycology and Microbiology Laboratory, ARS, USDA. 2017, http://nt.ars-grin.gov/fungaldatabases/
Richardson, MJ, 1990. An Annotated List of Seedborne Diseases. International Seed Testing Association, Zurich, Switzerland
AOSA Rules for Seed Testing; www.analyzeseeds.com
International Rules for Seed Testing. International Seed Testing Association; www.seedtest.org
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